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iBorn Media Limited 成立多年,一直以熱誠為本,關愛為任,致力貫徹平等機會的精神,並積極推動商界與社福界建立伙伴合作關係​,在未來發展上,iBorn Media將繼續貫徹關愛精神,加強推廣本港企業的社會責任。


iBorn Media Limited於2018-2025年間獲頒ERB人才企業嘉許計劃授予的「人才企業」尊稱。


此計劃藉評估企業的整體策劃及執行,以表揚反映iBorn Media Limited在人才培訓和發展的傑出表現,為本港整體人才發展作出貢獻。



2018-2020年獲得僱員再培訓局頒發,以表揚 iBorn Media Limited致力策劃及執行「人才培訓及發展」,嘉許倡導培訓行業人才之卓越表現,支持僱主及僱員可持續自我增值。

《第十屆香港企業公民嘉許計劃》 企業公民嘉許標誌

2016-2020年獲得香港生產力促進局頒授,以表揚 iBorn Media Limited確認積極履行企業社會責任,在管理員工、規劃企業業務、關顧社會可持續發展等方面皆有正面的貢獻。

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iBorn Media Limited 於2015-2024年間連續第九年獲得香港社會服務聯會頒發,以表揚公司持續實踐良好企業公民精神。


2016-2024年獲得勞工及福利局《有能者‧聘之約章》及共融機構嘉許計劃,以表揚 iBorn Media Limited為殘疾人士提供更多實習和就業機會,協助殘疾人士透過就業發展潛能,全面融入社會。


"With the assistance of the team at iBorn Media, we have strongly developed a more outstanding and creative corporate image to the public. We really appreciate their high quality of work as well as professional services." 

"During the time working with this company for the last couple of years, we have found them to be a dedicated partner as well as consummate professionals from the very beginning. We have seen first hand their great attention to detail, steadfast dedication to excellence and fully committed staff. They are also genuinely kind people who we enjoy working with and trust, we really would like to thank iBorn Media."

''Throughout the 8-years service period, iBorn Media has exercised professionalism and a well-through-out manner in our project delivery which result in an utmost satisfaction. The level of detail and the accommodating customer service are very much appreciated, and we could not have reached the conspicuous success from just a small-scale business several years ago without your team's effort.''

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"We approached iBorn Media when we had decided to do a Major Presentation to our customers throughout Hong Kong, we wanted a new look, new image, new tagline, new everything, in a very short time. They were amazing; they listened to our goals and sorted through our thoughts. They were able to deliver all of our requests and more."

"I appreciate the fast responses, reasonable fees and dedication iBorn Media have offered. I look forward to a great future business relationship."

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