Chatbot is widely used in different social media platform, such as Facebook Message helps users understand the information which is related to the brand or products. Chatbot is one of the applications of marketing tactics, it is a computer program and an artificial intelligence which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods. Chatbot is often designed to convincingly simulate how a human would behave as a conversational partner and used in dialog systems for various practical purposes including customer service or information acquisition. Chatbot not only save labour costs, but also enhance impression, reach and engagement.
Chatbot is widely used for various practical purposes, its 24 hours online customer service system can be used to response and solve problems, as well as provide automated services for customers. So what benefits and advantages can enterprises gain by using Chatbot?
1. Save labour costs Admins in different social media platforms usually can’t reply comments or inbox messages on time due to information overload. In this case, the fanpages can’t be systematically operated, thus amount of subscribers and fans may decline. Through applying Chatbot, it conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods, as well as operates in dialog systems to facilitate customer service and information acquisition, so fanpages can be operated methodically.
2. Business-to-people (B2P) marketing Chatbot capables in conducting data analysis and data collection, it provides a customized way to interact and communicate with customers. Through the process of business-to-people marketing. Chatbot is able to analyze customers’ behavior patterns, habits and preferences, then provide or recommend the related products and services according to users’ interest. This helps increase customers’ desire to purchase and promote customization. 3. Understand customers’ needs When customers have concerns and problems after purchased products or services, customer usually tends to directly report or contact the company's online customer service system and make follow-up actions. Chatbot can easily understand and solve the needs of customers, thus helps companies optimize their website design and shopping process in order to provide better service to customers. By using Chatbot, companies can even use the data and information generated to develop better marketing strategies, which help address customer needs and increase customers’ loyalty.