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Instagram新功能Nametag 讓你快速追蹤用戶!


Instagram早前推出了新功能「Nametag」,讓用戶快速追蹤其他帳號。操作原理類似QR code,或跟Snapchat已有的功能Snapcode相似,利用手機相機鏡頭掃描Instagram用戶的Nametag行動條碼,即可進入帳號檔案頁面,快速追蹤帳戶。

Nametag另一賣點是用戶可透過設計圖案、設定背景、更改顏色、加入貼紙或emoji等方法,自訂充滿個人特色的名片,玩味十足,相對Facebook在2017年設置的Messenger Codes功能,更能受用家歡迎。




“Nametag” makes following Instagram friends quick and simple!

Instagram introduced a new function, Nametag, that allows users to follow people easily. Similar function has already been available on other social media networks such as Snapchat’s QR Snapcode. Now Instagram users can enter and view others’ profile simply by scanning the Nametag with its in-app camera.

Nametag can also be customized with additional designs, colours, stickers and emojis that lets users create their own personal ID to attract new followers. Comparing with Messenger Codes that was launched in 2017 on Facebook, Instagram’s Nametag makes the scan-and-connect feature popular among users.

The Nametag function can also be applied on promoting business accounts in a more public setting. Users can post their Nametag across social media, official website, or even printing it on name cards and posters as another effective advertising tool to promote their brand. It works very well with other campaigns to attract followers to get to know their business, and will definitely grow more popular in the future.


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