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Chris Saucedo/Getty Images

自2012年被Facebook收購,Instagram不再單單是一個發佈照片的應用程式, 在今天更成為全球最受歡迎的社交平台之一。Instagram創辦人Kevin Systrom和Mike Krieger早前於SXSW大會談及當年創辦及營運平台的故事,並欣賞由Facebook收購後Instagram的茁壯發展。


雖然兩位Instagram創辦人因與Facebook管理層的分歧而離職,但他們在大會上並沒有對Facebook發表任何負面評論。Systrom對於當年平台被收購後之發展評價表示十分正面:「我們當時作出這個交易的決定(Facebook收購Instagram)就是希望平台能夠達到更大的規模,而要達到這重點的目的,主導權便最終會逐漸失去 … 這是企業壯大發展的路上所正常要面對及承受的自然結果。」

從Facebook收購後的年代開始,創辦人兼CEO Mark Zuckerburg扭轉了當時Instagram人力資源及系統經營壓力的惡性循環,並主導在龐大的市場當中,打造一個更整合的體系,優化及不斷發揮企業旗下的每一個平台的優勢及市場競爭力,為擴大平台規模的共同目的向前進發。

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Instagram founders say losing autonomy under Facebook leads to growth and success

Chris Saucedo/Getty Images

Since Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, Instagram has grown more powerful over the years and become one of the world’s largest social media networks with over 1 billion global active users. At SXSW conference last week, Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger talked about the founding stories, market change for tech firms and the rise of Instagram after the acquisition.

The two founders did not make any negative comments on Facebook at the conference despite the abrupt resignation last September. Instead, both were optimistic towards the change and development of the platform. “If this thing gets to that scale that we want it to get to which is why we’re doing this deal, the autonomy will eventually not be there as much because it’s so important. So in some ways it’s just an unavoidable thing if you’re successful.” said Systrom.

Since the Facebook acquisition, the pressures from disorganized administrative management and system operation within Instagram have been greatly alleviated. Systrom and Krieger agreed that the platform has grown more powerful and will remain competitive in the market, as it continues to leverage its strengths and audience in a more integrated corporation system.

All in all losing autonomy to make decision in the business may not be a bad thing after all, as Systrom mentioned it could be predicted in the very beginning if they want to take Instagram to the next level. For now, the two founders are exploring what to do next. “We’re giving ourselves the time to get curious about things again,” said Krieger. The discussion as well reveals the key to a successful business is to never settle but to view things at a different angle, and make appropriate changes when necessary.

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